Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Momofuku Milk Bar's Crack Pie

Momofuku Milk Bar's Crack Pie raises a series of pressing questions: Will you gain 100 times the calories for eating crack pie than cocaine pie?  Would Whitney smoke this?  Most importantly, what kind of mystical pie experience is worth $44?  That's right.  $44.  For something that does not include any substances that can't be readily found in your fridge and pantry.

I had to know the answers to these mysteries.

So I made Crack Pie.  Twice.

And I am here to tell you that crack ain't whack.  

I mean, I wouldn't spend $44 on it.  But it's pretty damn good.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Crack ain't whack.

The remains of my "crack" binge.

The remains of Whitney's.

Image Source
Stars.  They're just like us.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dear Anthropologie,

Please stop making me wish I enjoyed long walks in an autumn forest or am a spy for MI6.

Thanks. That's all.

You ain't a beauty, but hey you're alright.

My husband is a very unwilling photo taker.  He loves to take copious random, out-of-focus, completely unflattering shots of other people, but getting him to agree to being in front of the camera . . . for hours . . . while a photographer tells him to act like he's in love (with his, ahem, hot wife no less) . . . was a task of Herculean proportions.

If only his idol were to have stumbled into our engagement shoot . . . .

Kella McPhee via Blogness from the Edge of Town

Yeah, these lucky soon-to-be-weds were taking their engagement photos in Jersey when who should just happen to amble by but the Boss himself.*


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Weekly Roundup: Images That Made Me Happy

I haven't done a roundup in a while, but there was so much gorgeousness in the blogosphere this week I couldn't resist.

Image Source: Elizabeth Messina via StyleMePretty
If I had a bit more panache, I'd wear this hair piece everywhere . . . to the market, the gas station, out to mow the lawn.


Friday, September 24, 2010

i love typography.

i truly, truly do.

and we love typography does too.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rue La La Wedding Sale

Even though we got married over a year ago, I was nonetheless weirdly thrilled to discover that Rue La La is having a wedding-themed sale today.

Image Source

A number of gorgeous Nicole Miller dresses are on steep discount, including this Grecian number, which I will be wearing in the fantasy second wedding in my dreams:

Image Source
(Don't worry, in this fantasy wedding, I'll still be marrying my husband.  Unless he does something to piss me off tonight, in which case I'll be marrying Mark Ruffalo.)

Back to reality.

They also have some gorgeous china patterns on sale, including Lenox's "Chirp," which would be so adorable in the Anthropologie-esque house that Mark Ruffalo and I inhabit in my dreams:

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. . . and "Guilded Tapestry," which looks crazy busy in this photo, but is beautiful in person:

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Click here for an invite to Rue La La if you need one.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Petit Coterie

J'adore these French grain sack pillows from Petit Coterie.  So rustic provincial chic.

On sale now at One Kings Lane.

Read Me, Click Me

My husband subscribes to about a billion magazines and journals. The New Yorker, The Economist, Fortune, MacWorld, The New England Journal of Medicine . . . . Our mail bin is over-flowing with all the stuff he subscribes to but rarely gets around to reading.

I've compensated by getting rid of all my subscriptions.  Thank goodness, then, for the recent proliferation of online magazines: now I get all the dish with none of the clutter.  Here are my favorites:

Lonny Magazine: Shelter and design mag from some of the former staff of Domino.

Sweet Paul Magazine: A gorgeously shot and styled food magazine.

Rue Magazine: Brand new collaboration from a number of design bloggers.

Do you read online magazines?  Which are your favorites?

Monday, September 20, 2010

So You Wish You Could Dance

I'm trying to squeeze in a bit more cardio lately with some hip hop classes. When I do hip hop, I look like an uncoordinated hobo having a drunken seizure. In my fantasies, though, my moves would be as smooooooth as these guys'.

Mike Song of Kaba Modern at Boogiezone:

Marty Kudelka's class at Millenium, featuring SYTYCD alum Jason and Ivan:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Smashing the Fast

Posting has been light this weekend because of Yom Kippur.  Well, actually, because I was too fixated on my adorable niece who was visiting to attend to anything else.  And so I'm a bit late in offering a thank you to those of you who came to my rescue with ideas about what to serve at our mostly vegetarian break the fast party.

Ultimately, we ended up with a full and pretty darn good (if I do say so myself!) buffet:

I hope you had a lovely weekend.  And for our Jewish friends, an easy fast.  L'shana tova.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Late-Summer's Night Dream

Forest meets industrial in my dream house.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear Anthropologie,

If I wanted to look like an alpaca

Icing Age Jacket
or a sasquatch

Irina Cardigan
I wouldn't have bothered shaving.

Thanks.  That's all.

So You Wish You Could Dance

For today's installment of "So You Wish You Could Dance," I am digging into the archives for one of my favorite ballet videos: a music video for Herbert Groenemeyer starring Polina Semionova.  Even though I don't understand a single word of German, I can tell you that the song is uber-cheesy.  But Polina . . . she's breathtaking.

And because I love rehearsal, backstage, and class videos, here's a bonus of Polina rehearsing "La Bayadere" with Vladimir Malakhov.  If you don't watch it for her dancing, watch it for Malakhov's awesome Smurf prison jumpsuit.

Off to sew ribbons on my new pointe shoes that just arrived!

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Rosh Hashanah Honey Cake

This year, we had a fairly low-key celebration of the Jewish New Year, but one thing I do every year, regardless of how many people are coming over for dinner, is make a honey cake.  If you're one of those people who cringe at the thought of a sweet and spicy cake, I'm with you: I'm no big fan of cinnamon (unless it's in the form of a Cinnabon), and I generally dislike cloves, allspice . . . you know, the "apple pie" spices.

But this honey cake is so majestic, so moist that each year I put aside my spice prejudices and make it.  Oh, in fact, it's called "Majestic and Moist New Year's Honey Cake," and it's from Marcy Goldman, who is also responsible for Caramel Chocolate Matzoh Crunch (a.k.a. matzoh crack).


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Funny (strange) or funny (ha ha)?

The line between quirky and wackadoodle is sometimes blurry . . .


Quirks by Jellyby on Polyvore.com

Some of these things make me laugh.  Some are awesome (Eames elephant!).  And some leave me horrified.  But somewhere out there, someone is proudly displaying these crazy misfits in their home.  That sort of makes me happy, you know?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Anthropologie comes to Harvard Square!

My mothership has landed.  And thank goodness it waited to arrive until after I left grad school, or else I would have been even more broke and less productive.

Want a tour?



Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brimfield Reality

Sigh.  I went all the way to Brimfield, and all I got were these photos:

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.  Winnie the Pooh's head in the right background

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