Friday, May 28, 2010

Close encounters

Jellyby meets Roomba.  Is it friend or foe?

She's yet to decide.  But I've been entertained by their pas de deux all afternoon.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gifts from the Garden

I've been toiling all week in the yard like a tireless garden gnome; raking, weeding, mowing, weeding, trimming, weeding . . . the list of chores seemed interminable, and I was a very very grumpy gnome.  Just when I was going to dig myself a hole and burrow in it, some very cheerful things appeared:

Not only did our garden yield gorgeous peonies, but the mailman brought me a very exciting early birthday present from three very thoughtful garden fairies.


Cut It Out

As you might know, I'm kind of obsessed with paper crafts.  (My wedding, after all, had a paper cut motif, and I lived above a Paper Source for eight years.*)  So when I read about party impressario David Stark's pop-up "purely paper flower shoppe" at West Elm in NY, I got a little flushed.

So. Much. Paperliciousness.

David Stark Sketchbook


Friday, May 21, 2010

Cake Pops

I am of the opinion that anything tastes better on a stick.  Chicken?  Meh.  Satay?  Yum.  Cheddar?  Meh.  Cheese on a stick served by girls with outlandishly loud striped fezes?  Delish.

German chocolate cake from a box mix?  Meh.  On a stick?  Not bad.

After cooing over Bakerella's darling creations for a long long time, I finally had an occasion to make cake pops.  I made them sparkly like miniature disco balls.  And they were so very purty.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best. Present. Ever.

A wonderful friend bought a very special present all the way back from Paris. Pour moi.

It's a little jewel box of perfection.


Monday, May 17, 2010

B is for . . .

a BEE-AUTIFUL baby shower!

This weekend I was in D.C. co-hosting a baby shower for one of my bridesmaids and favorite people in the universe.  If you remember from this post, although she's having a baby girl, we were going for a chic, modern feel -- no frou frou pinks and bling for this co-ed affair.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Heart Macarons . . .

. . . but not as much as my husband does.  Go ahead and mock him for it (he also likes fruity, girlie drinks); he's not ashamed.

So when I showed him my new purchase, a gorgeous jewel of a recipe book called I Love Macarons, he temporarily forgot that he was a miserable medical resident and clapped and giggled with glee, like a little school girl.


Aw, Anthro, you shouldn't have!

My birthday's at the end of the month, and I received my first present the other day, from my long-time paramour, Anthro.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Sneak Peek!

Guess what I made this weekend?

Skating Rink at the Court!

My favorite dean got formally nominated as a Justice this morning!

Image Source: NY Times
Yes, she's an academic superstar.  Yes, she's a badass in front of the Court (she gave Roberts a steady death stare during the whole Citizens United argument).  Sure, she's a master power broker and peace maker (she wrangled the Harvard Law School faculty into submission for goodness sake).  But really I'm excited because:

  • She turned a mudpit in front of Harkness into an ice skating rink.  That's right -- she was the Lesley Knope of HLS.  I can only imagine what awesomeness she will transform the old, nasty Supreme Court gym into . . . . Justice O'Connor used to do her Jane Fonda tapes up there, so maybe in her honor, Justice Kagan will build a hiphop studio and hire Shane Sparks as the official SCOTUS choreographer.  Or maybe she'll kick it old-school, turn the gym into a retro roller rink, and invite Kristen Chenoweth for a skate-off and duet?
  • She put free tampons into every ladies' bathroom at the law school.  FREE tampons.  I didn't have to go to CVS for a year.  She will bring on an era of complimentary feminine hygiene products at the Court.  This should reassure the misogynist assholes: even if all the lady Justices get on the same cycle, they'll be well equipped.
  • She's just like us!  The last time I saw Dean Kagan, she was coming out of Brooks Pharmacy with a ginormous 24-roll pack of toilet paper.  Not only does the woman have a healthy GI system, she also does her own shopping.  This is not some hoity toity Justice who will forget the little people.  She'll be standing right behind you at the Walgreens.
In all seriousness (and I don't usually post about serious things on this blog), I am really excited about this nomination.  She's brilliant, fearless, and focused, but also personable and thoughtful.  I don't have any delusion that she, alone, will shift the trajectory of the Roberts Court, but I have no doubt that she's going to put up quite a fight.

It's a good day!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A touch of Chinese chic - Pt. 2

Ever indecisive, I'm still struggling between whether to pair the Chiang Mai Dragon fabric pillow with the navy or the citrine Imperial Trellis print.


Etsy seller MilkandCookiesCanada will be making the pillows, and as I was browsing her shop today, I saw two other combos that might also work.

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