Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Different Night

Last year, we hosted our first Passover Seder as a married couple.  Since no one keeled over from boredom, we reprised our efforts this year . . . but with double the guests, each with different levels of observance.  Goy vey.

It took me two days to prepare the meal (more on the menu in my next post), but all in all, it was a really fun, beautiful night.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

One year ago . . .

One year ago, on this date, we had a pretty awesome Chewish wedding.

In the last 364 days, we bought a house and moved in together after almost fifteen years of long-distance dating; one of us started an exhausting medical residency, while the other had on-again, off-again relationship with a Ph.D. from hell; our families celebrated weddings and reconciliations and survived difficult illnesses and hospitalizations . . . .


Monday, March 22, 2010

Pity the Foo

During my Liberty splurge at Target last week, I also picked up a pair of sunshiney foo dog bookends.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Vegetable Tian a la Barefoot Contessa

This weekend I had the pleasure of hanging out with a few of my favorite Boston bloggers (buzz buzz!) and their significant others at a fab potluck hosted by a blogger also known as Mrs. Corn.

The last time I went to a potluck, I put a few extra pounds on everyone's waist by bringing the most decadent savory bread pudding ever.  This time I decided I was going to be good and bring Ina Garten's vegetable tian, from her Barefoot in Paris cookbook.


Friday, March 19, 2010

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?

Nothing.  I'm just trying to select an appropriate china pattern for our Chewish household.

Teacups for our Chinese Tea Ceremony

You see, when we got married, we registered at Michael C. Fina, which has a "consolidated registry program."  That's fancy talk for their being willing to convert all the items guests purchase for you off your registry into a gift certificate that you can use -- for pretty much anything at their store -- at a later date.

This was really useful for us because a) we hadn't yet moved into our new house and had no room to store anything, let alone fine china, and b) it allowed us me to defer the decision about china patterns.  And if you know me, I'm all about deferring decisions.

But now that it's almost a year after our wedding, deferral time is over.  Boo.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Woof!

The Doggie Gaga Project, by Jesse Freidin.

Image Source: I Suwannee


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Give me Liberty

I know they're just bowls, but I sort of love them.

The Liberty of London for Target prep bowls I ordered online Sunday arrived today.  And they are as charming in person as online.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

After the deluge

"The worst part was that the rain was affecting everything and the driest of machines would have flowers popping out among their gears if they were not oiled every three days, and the threads in brocades rusted, and wet clothing would break out in a rash of saffron-colored moss.  The air was so damp that fish could have come in through the doors and swum out the windows, floating through the atmosphere in the rooms."
- One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

After days of torrential downpours, the sun finally came out today.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Liberty of London for Target

It's 8:30 am (really 7:30 am, since daylight savings ended last night) on a Sunday morning, there's a crazy, torrential downpour outside, and what was I, along with a bunch of similarly loopy people doing?

We were at Target, loading up our carts with Liberty of London stuff as fast as the beleaguered staff were unloading them.  See that yellow file box in my cart?  I literally reached into a half-unpacked pallet to grab it.

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