Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Shopping Hong Kong: Shanghai Street

While in Hong Kong, we took a visit to Shanghai Street in Kowloon, which is essentially restaurant supply row.  Given my love for all things food-related, of course it was like paradise. 


Diary of a Secret Housewife: Captain Fairfield's Scallion Biscuits

During our stay at the Captain Fairfield Inn in Kennebunkport, we were treated to the most delicious baked goods by Loryn, the co-innkeeper and resident chef.  Among the most memorable breakfast items she made was a sea salt, black pepper, and scallion biscuit.  Fresh from the oven, the biscuit was a revelation: redolent with the fragrance of the scallions, with a nice bite from the pepper and a savory crunch from the sea salt sprinkled on top.

So you can imagine the giddiness I experienced when she told me that the recipe for this scone-like concoction was on the Inn's website.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My not so itsy bitsy, teeny weeny polka-dotted bikini

Now that I'm in my thirties, I think I have to be okay with the fact that I'm just not going to squeeze into the swimsuits of my twenties.

Instead, I've expanded into the swimsuits of the Fifties.

Image source
And it's been the best decision ever.


Monday, June 28, 2010

A Weekend in Kennebunkport

To celebrate my husband's finishing his first year of residency, we took a lovely weekend trip to Kennebunkport, Maine.  (Did you know that Maine's state motto is "Vacationland"?  Someone at the state ad agency totally phoned it in that day.)


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Departing from Hong Kong

Monday, June 21, 2010

Eat now, diet later . . . or never

It's my last day in Hong Kong.  My suitcase is full, so I can't do any more shopping.  Which means I don't need to squeeze my American-sized ass into more Hong-Kong-sized fitting rooms or -- worse, much worse -- Hong-Kong-sized pants.  (My derriere is totally miffed that an American size 4 or 6 is apparently a 42 -- a large -- in Hong Kong.)

This is all to say that I finally get to eat to my heart's delight.

And how very delighted is my belly today!  It's in such a good mood, it's willing to share documentary evidence of its happiness.

Image Source: I Eat Therefore I Am


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cheer for poms

From the wet market in Wanchai yesterday.

I've never seen such perfectly round pom pom chrysanthemums.  I stared at them for a long time, while the lady manning (womanning?) the stand gave me a "bitch, buy it or get the f#$k out of the way" death stare.  I finally snuck a photo with my iPhone and ran away.

If it's still moving it's not meant to be eaten

Remember my post about our visit to Beijing, when I said that the critters being served satay-style in Wangfujing were so horrifying that I had to delete my photos?

What do you mean you don't remember?  Don't you hang onto every word I write?  Grr.

Well, either way, my sister has her photos up on her blog.  Shudder.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Le Creuset on Ruelala

Attention Kitchenistas: A limited selection of Le Creuset is on deep discount at Ruelala.

via Ruelala

Not a huge selection of colors, but some cheerful ones available nonetheless.  Here's your invite.

Shopping Hong Kong: G.O.D.

Among my favorite places to go for decor inspiration is a store called G.O.D. in Hong Kong.  G.O.D. has nothing to do with religion, unless you also worship at the altar of American Express; rather, the letters stand for Goods of Desire and happen to be a homophone for the phrase "to live better" in Cantonese (ju ho dee).

Image Source


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Leifsdottir Sale on Ruelala

Attention Anthropologie fans: Leifsdottir is on deep, deep discount for today only on Ruelala.

Why are you still here?  Do you want an invitation or something?  

Fine.  Here.  Go buy something gorgeous.

Shopping Hong Kong: City Super

During my visit to CitySuper the other day, I picked up a few other goodies in addition to my fabulous new iPhone case.

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