Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Get me out of this scrape

Like my blog friend Serena, I have a special relationship with my mixer.  She is reliable, hardworking, and very, very utilitarian chic.  But lately, I've been having some problems with the attachments: maybe I washed them one too many times in the dishwasher, but a rusty residue has been issuing forth from the top of the paddle and whisk attachments.  This hasn't affected my ability to use the attachments, but it just seems a bit . . . yucky, you know?

Rather than ordering new Kitchenaid attachments, I decided to try out the new blades that promise to scrape down your bowl while you're mixing -- no spatula necessary.  I compared the Beater Blade with the SideSwipe, and I decided in favor of the latter, since it got a better review from America's Test Kitchen and because the silicon fins just seemed like they would do a better job of scraping down the bowl.


Last week, I made a few batches of compost cookies for my husband's medical interns and med students, and I thought I'd share my initial review of the SideSwipe.


Oh, it's on bitches.

Glee + Jon Hamm + Tina Fey + Joel McHale?  And Springsteen?  Awesome.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Living Room Eclectic (on TV!)

Just caught Secrets From a Stylist, the new show from Emily Henderson of Design Star and the Brass Petal blog, and I have to say that I adore the living room she designed.  Of course, she had a gorgeous space to work with -- I'd take those built-in bookcases to dinner, buy them roses, and take them home to meet my mom -- but her eclectic, warm, and quirky style totally makes the room.  (I will even excuse her for that god-awful set of antlers mounted to the bookshelf.  And you know how I feel about animal heads and antlers.)

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Living Room Eclectic

Just a few mood boards for our living room redo.  I've been staring at these objects so long that can't tell if these are crazy fugly, like some color-blind and drunk dude's rec room rejects, or eclectic fun.  Where's Tangerine Queen Kors or Grampa Gunn when I need them?

Here's the media/tv area:

The sectional, media cabinet, Noguchi table, and pillows (imperial trellis and chiang mai dragon) we either own already or have already purchased.  The giant Surya rug I bought on impulse during last week's Gilt sale, and I might already regret it (though it's redness might be mitigated by layering a soft, neutral rug on top).  Everything else is up for discussion/debate/dismissal.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Creamed Corn, Ad Hoc Style

The last time I had creamed corn, it came out of a can.  In fact, every time I've ever had creamed corn, it's come out of a can.  And I'm not complaining: after all, it's corn (good) and cream (good), so what can possibly be bad about this?

I've come to realize, however, that the right question to ask is not "How could this possibly be bad?" but rather "How could this be even better?"  And the answer to this question is: fresh creamed corn, Ad Hoc style.


Friday, August 27, 2010

"I'm saving by spending."

As you know, I love to shop.  And even more so, I adore bargains.   This drives my husband crazy, as he is convinced, with all of his b-school training, that there is no such thing as a bargain: where there is a sale, he says, there was a mark-up.

"Is that a sale over there?"

Well boo to him and his nay-saying.

Swirl by Daily Candy

Swirl is Daily Candy's attempt to seize on the Gilt Groupe trend.  I haven't ordered anything from there yet, but here's an invitation.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Scandinavian Style

Lately, it seems like all of my favorite sources for decor eye-candy are Scandinavian.  I don't know what is in the water ice in the Nordic countries, but they seriously have an impeccable aesthetic: generally minimalist and stream-lined, but with a touch of whimsy and fun.

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Post-Domino, the shelter mag I love most has got to be Sköna Hem.  One can "read" it online, via Google Translator.  But let's face it: I "read" it the way a frat boy "reads" Playboy -- not for the articles.  In fact, if you scroll to the very bottom of the mag's webpage, you'll see a whole section of just photos.

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A recent discovery is Emmas Designblogg, which is written by a Stockholm-based decorating assistant.  Browsing the well-edited photos on the blog is like spending some time with a stylish friend with an impeccable eye for chic, beautiful spaces.

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And then there are the stores!  I have already posted about my love for the Danish homegoods store, House Doctor.  This line is like the love child of a sexy menage-a-trois between Anthro and Jonathan Adler and the Brimfield Antique Fair.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for my wallet), House Doctor products aren't available anywhere in the U.S., but I still like perusing their website and catalog for inspirational vignettes.

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Last but not least, my blog friend Jessica, of the uber-gorgeous Delicatessen blog, just introduced me to CAR möbel, which is a German company that markets a number of Scandinavian lines (including House Doctor!).  CAR möbel also has its own furniture collection that is full of personality.  And their website is full of lovely vignettes that mix high and low, found and purchased, modern and vintage.

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How do you feel about Scandinavian style?  Is there another region of the world or country that consistently serves as a source of inspiration?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rustic, Repurposed, or Reclaimed

As we've been furnishing our place, I'm realizing that often I'm making purchases based on the mid-century aesthetic that complements the house.  But I haven't been paying enough attention to the types of pieces to which I'm intuitively drawn . . . the more rustic, rough-hewn, and natural.

Kitchen under previous ownership (it's not currently this clean or neat!)

In fact, what really sold this house for us was the kitchen, and something not even actually attached to the kitchen: the gorgeous center island that the previous owners purchased from the Sundance catalog and (with my super smooth negotiations, i.e., begging and pleading) left for us.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1001 Nights

I took a belly dancing class this weekend, and afterward, I was inspired to decorate with a Moroccan flair.  Any thing here catch your eye?


Sheherazade by Jellyby on Polyvore.com

Monday, August 23, 2010

Design Star

When we were house-hunting, I used to watch a lot of HGTV.  But after a while, seeing countless other people's fabulous homes gets tiring and sad: sooner or later, one has to acknowledge the fact that Vern Yip and a team of carpenters and stylists are never going to arrive at our front door to transform our IKEA crap into custom gorgeousness.

So I went back to my old standby TV diet of Food Network and "Law and Order" reruns.

Last night, however, I happened to catch the last half hour of "Design Star" and developed an immediate style crush on Emily, the winner.  She has an eclectic, restrained, and warm aesthetic that I adore.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Season's Bounty

When we first joined the CSA, I wasn't sure that the cost and effort was worthwhile.  But now that we are used to getting a huge haul of fresh vegetables each week -- and to washing, prepping, and planning around the goodies in our mystery CSA box -- I have to say that I can't imagine being without it.


Modern Chinoiserie

With the spare, mid-century modern aesthetic of the furniture we've selected for our living room, I would so love to add a few whimsical, Chinese-influenced touches.  And the bright, candy-colored finishes of the pieces pair so well with the Imperial Trellis and Chiang Mai Dragon pillows we already have on the couch!

What do you think?  Do you have any bright, cheerful pieces in your living room?

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