Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weekend in Vermont: Quechee, Chester, & Perkinsville

On our way back from Montreal last week, we took a little detour through Vermont to check out the Cheese Trail and relax at a B&B.  I thought I'd share some highlights from our short trip.

Our B&B, Inn Victoria, is in the little town of Chester.  Southern Vermont is so pastoral and picturesque, with beautiful mills, perfectly dilapidated and rustic structures, and gorgeous covered bridges.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays: Hurricane Edition

SYWYCDS is back!  Sorry for the short hiatus.  If you're on the East Coast and are staying in on account of the hurricane, here's a bit of awesomeness to keep you entertained.

I think this girl is 12 or 13 years old.  Isn't it ridiculous how mature her dancing is, and how much control she has?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Bubbe Jennie's Taiglach

My husband's 91-year-old grandmother, our Bubbe Jennie, is an extraordinary baker.  On the farm (in a small Jewish farming community of Edenbridge, Saskatchewan) where she raised her two boys, she would bake almost everyday out of necessity.  Once they moved to more urban environs -- first Sasketoon, then Montreal -- she would still bake for her husband, who looked forward to her desserts after every dinner, and her kids and grandkids, who raved about her chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon buns.  Amongst all of her excellent recipes, though, the one that sends the whole family into fits of nostalgia- and hunger-fueled ecstasy is her taiglach.

Taiglach (or teiglach) is a Jewish dessert that consists of small dough balls (mandlen or teigel) held together by a honey syrup.  Rolled with shredded coconut, the mandlen form a gooey, chewy concoction that is something between a candy and a cookie bar.  Taiglach is in some ways similar to the Cantonese dessert sachima, Indian gulab jamun, or American rice krispie treats.  It's a popular dessert for Purim and Rosh Hashanah, but (as we managed to convince Bubbe) it's just as good for a random Thursday when your grandson and granddaughter-in-law come to visit.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Montreal Jewish Food Tour

This past week we took a little jaunt up to Montreal to see my husband's bubbe and extended family.  We hung out, made taiglach with bubbe (watch for a HUGE post on that later this week), but mostly we ate, and ate, and ate.  

Our first stop in Montreal -- always -- is the Snowdon Deli, off of Blvd. Decarie.  Their smoked meat sandwich is my husband's favorite food in the universe: tender, melt-in-your-mouth pieces of spiced smoked meat between two mustard-schmeared pieces of rye.  Smoked meat, if you've never had it, is similar to corned beef.  It has a different spice rub from corned beef, however, and is cured, smoked, steamed, then hand-cut to order.  We both got our smoked meat "medium" (slightly fatty).  Mine is old-fashioned (slightly more spiced), and my husband's is regular.  And of course we both got fries.  Snowdon's fries with vinegar are amazing.  Add a black cherry soda, and you've got a perfect meal.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Diary of a Secret Househusband: Homemade Lox

I know that from the contents of this blog, it must seem like I'm the cook of the household.  And I suppose that this is true: I do the day-to-day cooking.  But the CHEF of the household is my husband. He's the darling who spent days mastering the art of truffle-making to make me artisan chocolates for Valentine's Day, the loon who invited a billion of his friends over for a make-your-own pasta party (there was pasta hanging out to dry over his entire apartment), and the guy who, this weekend, made lox.

For quite a long time, he's been complaining about the poor quality of the lox and smoked salmon we've been getting lately.  Finally, he got fed up and decided to make his own.  Technically, he made gravlax, as the salmon is merely cured, not smoked.  All it took was some good quality salmon from Whole Foods (still cheaper than good lox); a sugar, salt, and water brine; and a little patience (the salmon has to cure for about 2 days).


Sunday, August 14, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance: Melanie Wins! Edition

This is a very, very good week in dance land.  My absolute favorite, Melanie, won SYTYCD!

In celebration, I am posting a video of her amazing solo from two weeks ago, which I think showcases her impressive musicality, control, and flexibility.  That tour jete entournant into the triple pirouette totally blows my mind.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Weekend!

After the torrential downpours of last weekend, it's finally sunny and beautiful here in Boston.  Here are a few shots from my walk around the Commons today.  

Hope you are enjoying the weekend!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Behind the Lens: Jamaica Plain Portrait Shoot, Part II

This weekend, I also dragged the very lovely G from Cambridge to my neighborhood for my Jamaica Pond shoot.

Unlike me, who wouldn't voluntarily go hiking any place except for the mall, G is an up-for-anything nature girl.  She just got back from a two-day kayaking trip down the Mississippi River to benefit the Friends of the Mississippi.


Behind the Lens: Jamaica Plain Portrait Shoot, Part I

As you know, I've been trying to build up my inchoate photography portfolio.  Even though I'm a total amateur with my camera, a few very generous and patient friends have volunteered to let me experiment on them take their portraits.

This past weekend, my friends A and G joined me for a frolic around our beautiful Jamaica Plain neighborhood.  Here are some of my favorites of A from this super fun shoot.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Behind the Lens: Cambridge Portrait Session

Long-time readers of this blog might remember my friend Alisa, who is a brilliant professor as well as one of the most stylish Bostonians according to the Boston Globe.  (Stuff Magazine also recently recognized her fabulous style.)  Last weekend, I managed to convince her to do a portrait shoot with me, and I'm so excited to show you the results!

I wanted to capture Alisa in her natural surroundings, so we braved the 90-degree heat and took a stroll around her charming Cambridge neighborhood.

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