Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A week in LA

Sometimes I am able to overlook the ridiculous traffic and the seasonless weather and -- for perhaps just a fleeting moment -- kind of love LA.

bluffs at pacific palisades


Sunday, June 26, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays, Practice Makes Perfect Edition

I love watching professional dancers in class.  Seeing them do the exercises every single ballet dancer does -- just faster, higher, and more expressively -- inspires me to take class more often and more seriously.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays, "It's Britney, Bitch" Edition

Ok, I find this Britney song so unbearably annoying that I switch the channel whenever it comes on the radio.  The video for the song is equally ridiculous -- essentially a long series of product placements. HOWEVER, the dancing in it is brilliant, and in these behind-the-scenes videos, you an actually see how amazing the choreography is and have a sense of how fabulous the video could have been if they'd taken out the weird "giant Britney attacks the TV and herself" concept and just let the dancing speak for itself. Check out SYTYCD alums Billy Bell and Ben Susak in the contemporary section.  And Lauren Gottlieb plays Britney in the rehearsal footage.


Friday, June 17, 2011

This is why I love SYTYCD.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Lemon Whoopie Pies

After a week of 80+ degree weather, we're back to dreary and rainy days here in Boston.  But you know the saying: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade . . . or, better yet, lemon whoopie pies.

As you know (from here and here), I adore whoopie pies, but I find many whoopie pies too sweet.  So when I happened upon this lemon whoopie pie recipe from the fabulous Joy the Baker, I knew I had to make it: the tartness of the lemons make this a grown-up whoopie pie (if that's not an oxymoron).  To amplify the contrast between the tartness of the lemons and the sweetness of the cake and frosting, I added lime zest and subtracted some sugar from the frosting.  These whoopies taste like my favorite childhood candy, Lemonheads.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Strawberry Crumble Cake

The markets around here are brimming with gorgeous strawberries. Unable to resist their juicy goodness, I without fail come home with way too many berries for a two-person household. When this madness happened again this weekend, I decided that I had to find a delicious way to use up multiple pints of berries.

Food & Wine came to the rescue with a recipe that combines berries with what I love most in desserts: moist, buttery cake and a sweet, crispy crumble.  Eaten warm, this strawberry crumble cake is like a hug in the sun.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays, SYTYCD Edition

The top 20 were announced this week on SYTYCD, which I'm thrilled with, since it means we can start watching the performances of people who can dance, instead of fast-forwarding through allegedly "funny," but really just sad, auditions of people who absolutely cannot dance.  In addition to Melanie Moore, two of my other favorite female dancers made it into the top 20: Miranda Maleski and Ryan Ramirez.

Here is Miranda performing alongside SYTYCD alums Ashley and Mollee.  Oh what I wouldn't give for those ridiculous extensions.

Stop and smell (or photograph) the flowers

Spring has finally arrived in Boston.  

Our peonies are in full bloom.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Stylish Eats: Alisa's Tabbouleh

At the beach yesterday, while I was enjoying my very healthy lunch of Trader Joe's chocolate chip cookies, uber-fabulous friend Alisa pulled out a stainless steel tin and wooden spoon out of her chic Lululemon yoga bag and proceeded to taunt us with the most gorgeous and tasty homemade tabbouleh.  (Yes, with Alisa, even her food is more stylish than that of mere mortals like me.)

I'm not usually a huge fan of tabbouleh, but Alisa's version is fresh, summery, and crisp . . . as perfect with a side of chocolate chip cookies at a beach picnic as with a flute of champagne at a fancy brunch.

I asked her to share her stylish tabbouleh with us on this blog.


Crane Beach

Clear skies, bright sun, warm sand, and cold water at Crane Beach in Ipswich.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Banana Cake with Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting

Sing it with me: "This cake is bananas.  B-A-N-A-N-A-S.  This cake is bananas.  B-A-N-A-N-A-S."  

It's also chocolate.  And cream cheese.  And caramel.  But mainly it's bananas.  And it's delicious. 

I had a bunch of ripe bananas hanging out in the fridge the other day, and I decided that they needed to be made into a cake.  I found a well-rated banana cake recipe on Epicurious, and decided to amp it up with the addition of chocolate chips and a chocolate cream cheese frosting that is still a bit tangy, not too sweet.  And I added some caramel on top too, just because I could.  The result is a decadent, flavorful cake that puts banana bread to shame.


So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

A good message for a Sunday.

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