Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I like free stuff.

This is a public service announcement to all who, like me, love free stuff.

First of all, the awesome Dina Kantor, who created this whimsical illustration for us, is doing a giveaway for one of her custom illustrations here.  I am, of course, totally entering.  Because Jellyby needs to be immortalized in one of Dina's fab drawings.

Image Source

Second, if you're celebrating Passover and need a little help, guidance, or inspiration, is offering a DIY seder kit, called "Seder in a Box."  It comes with all you need to run a seder, including a basic haggadah, seder plate, matzo cover, and even a few plastic frogs!  Best of all?  It's free!  Last I checked, they were running low on supplies, so if you want one, you'd better register now.

That's it: two opportunities for free stuff.  Don't say I never do anything for you.  ;-P

Monday, March 28, 2011

"It's me! I'm the bobblehead!"

Every once in a while, I get an idea so genius, so monumental, that I can do nothing but be in awe of myself.  I was searching for a gift for my husband for our second anniversary, and kept coming up with only lame ideas.  But one night we were watching reruns of "The Office" -- our favorite show -- and the idea practically smacked me in the face.

A personalized bobblehead!!   There's a hilarious episode of "The Office" in which Angela gives Dwight a bobblehead -- of him! -- for Valentine's Day.  His reaction to the gift is awesome; it's one of those scenes that we watch over and over because it's just that great.


Two for two

Happy second anniversary to my husband!

Yeah, he's one lucky dude.

And I'm not so bad off myself!

Here's to two years down, a lifetime more to go.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

This is quite possibly the best dance video ever. Seriously, if you love dance, like dance, merely tolerate dance, you have to watch this.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Hamantaschen

This weekend was the Jewish holiday of Purim, which is awesome for kids (carnival! masks! costumes!) and usually not so much fun for adults.  But I made my own fun by baking my own hamantaschen.   

Hamataschen are triangular cookies, usually filled with poppy seed or fruit jam, that are traditionally served on Purim.  There are various explanations for why they are served on Purim, but usually the story is that they resemble the ears or the hat of Haman, the villain of the Book of Esther, which is the story that gets read aloud at Purim.  Store-bought hamantaschen are usually not so delicious, as most Jewish bakeries are parve, meaning they don't use dairy products, including butter.  I was thus especially psyched to find Smitten Kitchen's recipe, which has butter AND cream cheese!   Whee!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

This piece by Kate Jablonski is seriously, seriously genius.

Synchronized "swimming" just got a lot more awesome.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tikkun olam

Today I learned that Bill Stuntz, one of my favorite law school professors, passed away after a struggle with liver cancer.  Professor Stuntz was a brilliant scholar, a generous mentor, an inspiring teacher, and, most of all, a deeply kind man.  Yes, he taught generations of Harvard Law students criminal law.  But he also taught us to practice with compassion, humility, and heart.

In a moving interview he gave after his cancer metastasized, he said:

We understand that the world is not what it should be, and that our own capacities to understand it are severely limited.
Professor Stuntz was an evangelical Protestant, but this sentiment -- and the curiosity, passion, and work it motivated -- is about the most succinct expression of tikkun olam, the Jewish concept of "repairing the world," that I have ever read.

Even in his absence, his words live as a reminder to us to listen, learn, reflect, and transform.

Dog-Cat Nap

Being adorable is hard work.


Monday, March 14, 2011


You know I love whoopie pies.  And funny enough, my new temporary job is in Maine, which is about to name the whoopie pie its official state dessert -- even if the state has to get into a food war with Pennsylvania, which also wants to claim the goodness for itself.

They can fight over the bragging rights.  I, however, would rather be eating these awesome red velvet whoopie pies, which were made by my friend Amy from Bakerella's recipe.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Roasted Mushrooms, Escargot-Style

My sister loves escargot.  Me?  I'm not so into snails.  But I do love the luscious butter and garlic they get cooked in.  So when I ran into this recipe in Gourmet for Escargot-Style Roasted Mushrooms, I knew it'd be magical.

It's also super fast and easy.  In about half an hour, your house will smell like a high-class French restaurant.  All you need is a crusty baguette, a bottle of wine, and a fake accent, and you'll be transported.


So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

These guys are seriously amazing.  And they look like they are having the best time being amazing.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm So Flashy: Canon Speedlight 270EX Review

Ever since I got my DSLR, I've been a daytime-only photographer.  When people ask me to take photographs at night, I usually have to say something like, "I'm sorry, but I'm a natural light photographer, and flash violates my artistic sensibilities." If you're laughing, that's okay, because I couldn't say it with a straight face either.

The truth is I'm scared of flash.

Here is our venerable Chia Obama.  This was shot at around 8 pm, ambient room light only.  (By the way, this and all other photos were shot at ISO 400, f/1.8, using my uber-cheap nifty fifty lens.)  Even shooting on a tripod, the shot is dark and blurry.  It's no way to treat my very handsome President.  

Here he is using the on-camera flash, flash compensation -2.  It's better, but the image looks flat.

Here he is with the Speedlight aimed directly at him.  Oy.  Super flashy flash not flattering for anyone.

But the cool thing about the Speedlight is that you can rotate it up to "bounce" the flash off a surface.  Here is Chia Obama, this time with the Speedlight oriented half-way up (about 40 degrees or so).  I actually think this might be my favorite of the series: the flash is enough to expose the details and depth of the face, but not so overwhelming as to flatten out everything.

And here he is again, this time with the Speedlight aimed straight up at the ceiling.  These last two shots were much better, right?  I mean, a mere mortal might actually look decent under these lighting conditions?

Since mere mortals do need all the help we can get, I invested in a flash diffuser, the Sto-Fen Omni Bounce, which caps right over the Speedlite.  I don't know why a piece of plastic should be $12, but if it can give me a flawless on-camera face, I suppose I shouldn't complain too much.  Anyway, this shot was with the Speedlight and diffuser, flash aimed directly at the object.  Not great, but definitely not as harsh as the version above sans diffuser.

Here is the same shot, but with the diffused Speedlight aimed about 40 degrees up.

And here is the same shot with the diffused Speedlight aimed directly at the ceiling.  There's not a significant difference between the diffused and non-diffused flash when the Speedlight is aimed at an angle or directly at the ceiling, but I think that's just because Chia Obama is made out of a uniformly colored terracotta.  My guess is that the diffuser would make a bigger difference with real people, and would provide a much softer light for faces.

Okay, I'm off to water Chia Obama now.  His "hair" is sprouting only on the back of his head, because I keep forgetting to fill him up with water.  I hope this flash experiment has been useful for some of you.  And for you pros who are masters of light, I'd love to hear your tips!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Flan Imposible

One of our friends had a tapas party for her birthday this weekend, and I couldn't think of a tapas recipe that would travel well, so I decided to make a flan.

But not just any flan.  (Insert "Mission Impossible" music here.)  Flan Imposible.


So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

The suspension, lines, and athleticism of these dancers is to die for.  Don't miss the second group: they are less flashy but somehow more breathtaking.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Hump Day

The PS 22 Chorus does three of my favorite Tori songs:

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