Sunday, February 27, 2011

Red Shoes

In honor of Natalie Portman's Oscar for "Black Swan," I thought I'd share a few photos from pointe class this weekend at the Studio.

I took my camera to class mainly because I was obsessed with these red pointe shoes that one of the ladies wore.  But I was also thrilled to have an excuse to duck out of 36 of about ten million echappes.


So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

This I love as much for the choreography as for the cover of "You're the One that I Want."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mezuzah Fail

Last week, right before our Chinese New Year party, we finally put up our mezuzah.  We've lived in our house for over a year, and we kept missing opportunities to put up our mezuzah: every time we remembered, it was either shabbat (when you're not supposed to do "work," like installing things) or too late in the evening to be hammering things outdoors.  Since we were thinking of our party as a kind of open house, we really wanted to get our mezuzah up before the soiree.

A mezuzah is a small decorative box that contains a parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah.  It's installed on the doorframe to fulfill the mitzvah (Biblical commandment) to inscribe the words of a Jewish prayer, called the Shema, "on the doorposts of your house."  It's a significant marker of a Jewish household, so we were particularly embarrassed/sad that we hadn't gotten ours up yet.  (According to Jewish law, you're supposed to affix the mezuzah within 30 days of moving in.)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All Hail the Princess

Jellyby had a grooming appointment today.

Yes, those are mini jeweled crowns on her pigtails.

As if her ego wasn't big enough already.  Sigh.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Schill Me Now

Here's the deal: I'm not big into labels.  I like my logos hidden or subtle.  Heck, I won't even wear the strap that came with my camera, because I don't like schilling for Canon.  But recently I saw two items -- two overtly-schilling-for-some-brand-or-another items -- for which I would totally tattoo a big label on my forehead.


So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

A sassy little number with some SYTYCD alums.

Watching Ade shake his booty . . . hilarious and kind of adorbs.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dear Reem Acra,

Lady Gaga and Andre Talley called.  They want their caftan back.

But seriously?  Seriously?  Who wants a caftan in gold lamé?  Who wants a caftan, period?  And who wants to spend $999 to look like a giant condom?

That's all.  Thanks.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doubly Happy Chinese New Year: The Food

For all the fuss I made over the decor for our Chinese New Year party, I knew probably like two of our guests would notice.  Let's face it, when people come over to our house, what they want . . . need . . . expect is food.  Lots and lots of food.

And I wasn't about to disappoint.  Though there was a small part of me that didn't want to sully my "tablescape" with actual food, we put together a menu of symbolic foods that would bring on good luck for the new year.


Reason #830 my sister cracks me up

Your eyes are not deceiving you: that is one GIANT bowl of pho.  My sister accompanied four of her friends as they took on the Pho Real Challenge, which apparently involves eating a trough of meat and noodles in under an hour.

I love pho, but I've vicariously had my fill after watching these guys.  That's right . . . my sister documented the insanity on video.  Watch with an empty stomach.

Read the play-by-play at her blog here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm BHLDN. Seriously, seriously bhldn.

Today is a very, very special day.  A day full of love and beauty and sunshine and rainbows.

Today is the debut of Anthro's wedding line.

(Oh, and it's also Valentine's Day, I guess.)

But let's go back to the debut of Anthro's wedding line.

Tulle Era Dress

For my next wedding (don't worry, husband, it'll still be to you), I'll be wearing this charming little retro dress.


Doubly Happy Chinese New Year

One of our Chewish goals is to have a gathering to celebrate each of the three New Years: Jan. 1st, Chinese New Year, and Rosh Hashanah.  This weekend, ten days into year 4079, we finally had our Chinese New Year party.  (Better late than never, right?)

I've been busy with work, so we decided we'd order most of the food from a local Chinese restaurant. But there was no way I was going to contract out the funnest part of party prep -- the decor!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays, Valentine's Edition

I hate the message of "Single Ladies," but I find it totally irresistible when Sara Bareilles sings and Melinda Sullivan does a cheeky little tap number.

Hope this brings a little sass to your Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Work gets in the way

The bad news: work has been crazy hectic.  The good news: this is the view out my office window.

The bad news still overwhelms the good news though.  Sad face.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I've gone a little bit country

Thanks to Monique, I've become slightly obsessed with Mumford and Sons.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Monday

I know, I know.  It's Monday.  But I bet you I know what would make you feel better . . . .

Macarons.  And cupcakes.  And a flying puppy.  With a purple bow!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

I am spellbound by Justin Giles' choreography: his pieces are so intricate, masterful, and gorgeous.

The same piece, performed in two different settings . . . kind of amazing how different they appear.

The mirroring around min. 3 is . . . wow.

And the fusion of ballet and hip hop here is just breathtaking.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Happy Year of the Rabbit from our Chewish household to yours!

It's been a busy week at work, so I haven't had much of a chance to decorate for the New Year yet.  But here's a photo of our bunny giving her best "bitch, please" face while guarding the money tree.  May your bunny year be prosperous, healthy, and memorable!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Hamersley's Bistro's Roast Chicken (kind of)

According to this post on Serious Eats, the roast chicken at Boston's Hamersley's Bistro "is probably the most well documented dish in the city."  That makes me feel like a total loser, as I've never heard of it, never tried it, never experienced the poultry dish that Boston Magazine says is so popular that it makes up 20 to 30 percent of the dinner orders every night at the restaurant.  This chicken is allegedly so in demand that even though the chef is totally over it, diners threaten to riot if he takes it off the menu.

Image Source: Boston Globe

Of course, for the sake of the blog, I had to try it.  Unfortunately, the Snowpocalypse made it impossible to motivate to get out of the house.  So I decided to try it out at home instead.  I didn't have the actual recipe (which is available in Gordon Hamersley's Bistro Cooking at Home cookbook), but from various sources I cobbled together the method (wet rub, followed by a mid-temp roasting, and a final bit of crisping under the broiler) by which Hamersley's prepares its chicken and created my own riff on the recipe.  While the chicken itself doesn't beat the one yielded by best chicken recipe of all time, the gravy produced by Hamersley's version is amazing: a gorgeous sauce that's garlicky, herby, mustardy, chickeny.

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