Monday, January 31, 2011

Dear Snow,

It took us a really, really long time to shovel out this car.  And now we are tired.  You're pretty, but please go somewhere else this week.

That's all.  Thanks.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays, Smoking Hot Edition

I'm warning you now: do not watch without a fire extinguisher nearby.

(I have to say, though, that the shirtless thing is a bit distracting (or maybe it's just too sexy).  I'm offering to sew some buttons on your shirt, Nick Lazzarini.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Eating Singapore: Rojak

As you know, I ate A LOT of food in Singapore.  Like a small child's weight in food.  And while I enjoyed Hainanese chicken rice and drooled over banana fritters with kaya, the single food I thought was most memorable, most delicious, most fantastically awesome is this ugly mess of a dish called rojak.

Rojak is a fruit salad -- yes, that's fruit under that mound of sauce! -- but it's not some prissy fruit salad: it's a sweet, sour, savory, spicy POW of a fruit salad.  Scratch that.  It's a flavor experience.


Thursday, January 27, 2011


I know I'm an old married lady, but I'm so thrilled for the debut of Anthropologie's bridal line, BHLDN.  I was mesmerized by the images on the Flash page: the collection looks whimsical, romantic, and gorgeous with at least a handful of bridesmaid dresses that can be adapted for party dresses.

Also mesmerizing?  The music accompanying the Flash images, which is Ammina's "What Are We Waiting For?"  It's dreamy.  Like Sigur Ros on valium.

Are you prancing around in your prettiest heels waiting for Valentine's Day to see the new collection?

Not your human's food truck

My sister, the intrepid reporter, has a new expose out on the newest addition to the food truck phenomena: mobile treats for pets.

Go check it out and tell her how awesome she is.  Also, Jellyby would like an ice-cream sandwich.

Bored by Dance

Ok, I'm never actually bored by dance.  But I caught an episode of Paula Abdul's "Live to Dance" show On Demand, and wow oh wow is it bad.  Some of the acts look so under-rehearsed, ill-prepared, and sloppy they'd never make it past the first round of SYTYCD.  And even some of the talented acts come off as overly competition-oriented (shiny, sparkly, cheesy).

That being said (and despite their costumes), I kind of dig this group "Twitch" from Florida:


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eating Singapore: Desserts

It's an icy, slushy mess outside on another ugly Boston winter day.  But here on my blog it's still 88 degrees and a perfect time for icy desserts!

Since it's hot all year long in Singapore, it stands to reason that the most popular Singaporean desserts are  served over ice.  While I'm not a huge fan of icy desserts, my mom and sister have a seemingly insatiable appetite for this stuff.  My mom's favorite is cendol, which is made with coconut milk, shaved ice, palm sugar, and syrup.  The funky-looking green substance on top is a jelly made from pandan leaf and rice flour.  It's like a more sophisticated, chewier, and more filling snow cone.

My sister, however, loves ice kacang, which is also a dessert that involves shaved ice, flavored syrups, and red bean.  As evidenced by these photos, we had a lot of ice kacang.  Some places serve it with corn, others with mango or durian, still others with red beans, grass jelly, aloe vera, attap chee (palm nuts), or even ice cream.  All, however, begin the same way: with a huge bowl of ice that is freshly shaved off a cylinder (like an icy version of gyro, no?).

If you like your ice with more fruit, the above dessert, from Blue Ginger, is a shaved ice topped with coconut and calamansi, a citrus fruit.

And this version from the Maxwell Food Centre has mango, mango syrup, aloe vera, and attap chee.  I'm a huge fan of attap chee, which is the translucent, jelly-like fruit of the nipah palm; it doesn't have a strong flavor -- maybe a hint of coconut -- but it's got a very satisfying snap, sort of like eating a gummy bear that's been refrigerated for a while.

My favorite icy dessert from this trip, though, was probably gula melaka, which has sago (a tapioca-like substance), palm sugar syrup, and coconut milk.  It has a rich, caramel-like taste, and the sago is chewy and gives the dessert a bit more texture and heft than the versions that have only shaved ice.

Are you a big fan of iced desserts?  When you're staring at freshly fallen snow on the ground, are you tempted to stick out your tongue and taste it?  (Jellyby likes nothing more than to eat fresh snow!) Or are you (like me) a bigger fan of baked goods, fresh from the oven?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eating Singapore: Sweet Snacks, or All About Kaya

I am sure you must have been drooling in anticipation for the next installment of my "Eating Singapore" series.

Oh.  I think that was actually me drooling.

In any event, we're up to my favorite class of food: sweet snacks!  Singapore totally gets my palate on this front, being that the first snack item I encountered there was banana fritters with kaya fondue.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love Illustrated

I've often thought I'd make a good cartoon: I have a cartoonish face (big eyes, smushy nose, buck teeth) and a cartoonish life (I swear an anvil* nearly dropped on my head the other day), and I've got all types of silly schemes I am looking forward to implementing against an evil nemesis.

* Ok, it was a hammer, but close enough.

But since Tom already has Jerry, and Jem the Misfits, I have to satisfy my desire for an illustrated life elsewhere.  Our friend's sister, Dina Kantor, made me this sweet illustration based on our favorite wedding photo after I fell in love with the whimsical illustration and photography work on her blog and website.

Illustration by Dina Kantor (Sam and Gertie Photography)


So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

A little Jason Mraz, a whole lot of easy breezy gorgeousness.  So perfect for a Sunday.

The gloves are a little WTF, but I love the unadorned beauty of dancers just dancing . . . no tutus, lights, or props needed.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Conversations with my husband

Here's a typical conversation with my resident physician husband when he's post-call.

Me: Dear, wanna help me dig my car out so I can go visit friend X?
Him (groggily): She's hemodynamically stable.
Me: What?
Him: Snore.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Diary of a Secret Housewife: Homemade Pop Tarts!

When I was a child, my mom used to send me to elementary school with congee in my lunch box -- congee! -- when what I desperately wanted was to have what all the other kids were having: Squeeze-Its, fruit roll-ups, and PB&J sandwiches.

What I wanted most of all, though, was to have pop tarts.  I would pine after them, and I would see them everywhere . . .  at the supermarket, in other kids' sack lunches, in advertisements . . . everywhere but my own hot little hands.  And that's pretty much Joanne Chang's memory too.



This is Ollie.  He's 10 weeks old, and his parent's unwisely let me have a photo session with him, which consisted of me spending two hours scheming over how to smuggle him out of their house.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

I'm a little bit obsessed with Tokyo's choreography.  This is, with all its flaws, still Perfection.

Also, it's kind of reassuring to see professional dancers flubbing a pirouette once in a while . . . .

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Unchippable Manicure

For some inexplicable reason, I cannot keep a manicure for more than a day: I must be operating heavy tools or doing some serious manual labor in my sleep, because inevitably my nails become chipped and sad looking within hours of a manicure.  Recently my fashionista friend Alisa introduced me to the UV gel manicure at the Pyara Aveda Salon in Harvard Square, and I swear it's changed my life.

Shellac manicure, day 3

The gel or shellac manicure is like a regular manicure in almost every respect, except they use a special polish by CND and "cure" the polish in between coats under a UV light.  The polish dries and hardens, and you can walk out of the salon and go about your day immediately without waiting for additional drying time or worrying about chipping.  (I know!  It's totally mindblowing.)


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eating Singapore: Savory Snacks

We have a nor'easter here in Boston, which makes this the perfect time to reminisce about the 80-degree weather in Singapore and to continue my Eating Singapore series.

I'm a big fan of snack time.  Given the choice, I'd much rather nosh my way around town than actually sit down for a full meal.  (Then again, why choose?  Given my seemingly endless stomach capacity for good food, I'm not too worried about "ruining my appetite by snacking.")  


Snow Day!

A crazy blizzard is keeping sane people indoors today.

Jellyby, however, is neither sane nor a person (though don't tell her that), so she had a blast making snow angels, bounding in and out of the foot-high snow drifts, and peeing on the fresh snow.


Snapshots from Singapore

With the Totally Rad Lightroom presets, I finally got around to editing some of my non-food photos from Singapore.

A close-up of the tower at the Hindu temple

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