Friday, December 31, 2010

Auld lang syne

May you have a festive, memorable, and joyous end to 2011 and beginning of -- oy gevalt -- 2011.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Eating Singapore: Best of the Best (and an Intro to the Rest)

Singapore is my birthplace, so it's with not an ounce of bias that I say it's one of the most boring places on the face of the planet: the shopping is overpriced and generic (Chanel across the street from Chanel!), the heat and humidity are unbearable, and everything is intolerably clean and hygienic.  But it's also with not an ounce of bias when I say that it's probably got the best food on earth.

Chendol Ice at Blue Ginger Restaurant

Okay, perhaps I should limit my claim just to saying that Singapore has the best street food culture on earth; when I'm back in Singapore, all I want to do is hover around the covered hawker centers -- the food courts in which the cheapest, most traditional of food vendors ply their goodies -- so I can't tell you what the haute cuisine is like there.  But who needs molecular gastronomy when the most perfect bowl of wonton noodles can be had for less than the price of a Happy Meal?


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Greetings from Singapore!

Three days of nonstop feasting awaits . . . .

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chic DSLR Camera Bags, Pt. 4: My Kelly Moore B-Hobo

Among the funnest aspects of traveling through Asia this winter is getting to capture all my foodie experiences through the lens of my new dslr.  My neophyte photography skills may be wonkie, but what makes me feel less like a bumbling idiot of a tourist and more like the  chic visual raconteur I aspire to be is my Kelly Moore B-Hobo bag.

As you might remember, I researched dslr carrying bags quite extensively.  I needed something that would be stylish, roomy, and comfortable, and something that preferably wouldn't scream "camera inside! steal me!"  The B-Hobo bag ended up being perfect.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Eating Hong Kong: Good Food Fast, Not Fast Food

Everything in Hong Kong moves fast: the elderly walk fast, escalators run fast, and people eat fast.  But grabbing something to eat quickly in Hong Kong doesn't mean stopping off at McDonald's or KFC. More often than not, going for a quick bite means stopping off at a cha tzan tang (literally, "tea cafe") or getting a fan hup ("rice box").


Sunday, December 26, 2010

So You Wish You Could Dance Sundays

This is a dynamic, gorgeous contemporary piece by Chicago choreography Kate Jablonski.  It feels like a deep breath.

Happy Boxing Day!

May you have found all that you desire under the tree (or Hanukkah bush)!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Seasons greetings!

Whether you've been naughty

or nice,

may your holiday be joyful and bright!

Shopping Hong Kong: Laduree Pop-up Shop at Joyce

In honor of Joyce boutique's fortieth anniversary, Laduree set up a pop-up shop at the boutique's main location in Central.

I was so incredibly giddy to get my hands on bona fide Laduree macarons and confections that I totally neglected to take photos of the shop and cart set-up at Joyce.  Suffice to say, it was tres adorable: the rainbow macarons were displayed in a pistachio green cart, imported from France, and with the shelves filled with Laduree tea canisters, boxes, and bags, Joyce's foyer looked like a mini version of the real thing.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Chrismukkah to Me!

I must have been very, very good this year, because look what I got for myself:


Scenes from Central

It was a warm, sunny day in Hong Kong -- perfect weather for a stroll down the waterfront.

Financial District Skyline


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eating Hong Kong: Fu's Kitchen (or Why I Can't Really Be a Food Blogger)

Ostensibly, this post is about Fu's Kitchen, a chic little dim sum bistro in Causeway Bay.  But -- cue tiny violin -- I'd actually like to take the opportunity to whine about how hard it is to blog about food.  You're hungry -- hell, everyone at your table is starving -- and the food arrives, all steamy and delicious, and what do you do?  You have to yell at everyone, including yourself, not to touch the food until you photograph it.

Steamed scallop dumplings

Then in your eagerness to get to the actual business of eating the food, you take crazy shots with your camera.

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